Take Away Barney Fife’s Bullets, Please

[from eb.misfit] Because they’re now shooting senior citizens for the heinous crime of being disabled:

A police officer in South Carolina shot a 70-year-old motorist who was reaching for a cane during a traffic stop because he thought the man was grabbing a rifle from the bed of his pickup truck, investigators said. The man was expected to survive.

I suppose this could be good for a rant of how this shooting is Yet Another Example of How the Police Regard Themselves as an Occupying Army.

But let’s take another tack and call ol’ Barney into a classroom.


OK, Barney, let’s do a bit of visual recognition training, shall we? Ready? There will be a test at the end.

This is a rifle:


This is a cane:


This is a rifle:


This is a cane:


This is a rifle:


This is a cane:


This is a rifle:


This is a cane:


Any questions, Barn’? If you pass the test, Sheriff Andy will consider giving you back your bullet. If you fail, the last cane pictured is yours to keep.