Wiley Schnalke in the strawberries…

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Just Another Summer Day in Duluth

Photo by Dave Zbaracki in StarTrib

Faith at 3 months old – Wildlife Research Institute, Ely, MN

photo by Dr. Lynn Rogers

Drought Map for July 25th 2017

At What Point do We Acknowledge That Child Abuse is a Roman Catholic Sacrament?

[Stolen from Comrade EB
Misfit @ eb-misfit.blogspot-dot-com]
Five-hundred-and-forty-seven pupils at one of Germany’s most famous Roman Catholic choir schools were physically or sexually abused between 1945 and 2015, an independent report has found, with some boys likening the institution to “prison, hell or a concentration camp”.

The 440-page report chronicles teachers at the school in Regensburg doling out physical violence including slapping boys in the face so hard the marks could be seen the next day, whipping them with wooden sticks and violin bows and subjecting them to severe beatings.

One might think that they would eventually get around to realizing that they have a systemic problem with people in authority within their organization abusing children.

Back when the first big stories of child abuse in the RCC began to come out, there were people who dismissed it as an American problem. But it’s everywhere and even now, the RCC keeps shifting their pervo priests around.

Of course, it’s wider than that. It’s in all religious entities. But the RCC, because of its hierarchal structure, has a serious problem with child abusers within its ranks. They don’t seem to be making great strides at fixing their problems.

The very definition of Adverse Possession

Hunter finds his deer stand occupied…

How are your language skills? Is your passport current?

“If this crisis unfolds as depicted here, the country’s final hope for avoiding a terminal slide into authoritarianism would be the midterm election, contesting control of a historically gerrymandered House of Representatives. That election is 16 months away. Between now and then, Trump’s DOJ and his sham election-integrity commission will seek to disenfranchise as many Democratic voters as possible, while the president himself beseeches further foreign interference aimed at Democratic candidates. Absent the necessary sweep, everything Trump will have done to degrade our system for his own enrichment and protection will have been ratified, and a point of no return will have been crossed.” Brian Beutler

Drought Map for July 18th 2017

There goes the wheat crop

USGS Eliminating Whooping Crane Propagation Program

Misty McPhee‎ to Birding Wisconsin 7/18/17

Hi all. Here is an important update regarding whooping crane conservation.

Due to budget cuts, the USGS is eliminating the whooping crane propagation program. The primary facility for housing and breeding whooping cranes is the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, MD. This population is vital to crane research and the rearing efforts of chicks for reintroduction into the wild. According to the USGS, “This eliminates the largest dedicated captive breeding effort for Endangered Species Act-listed cranes and eliminates capacity within Interior for avian studies that require controlled studies with large, rare birds.”

My major issue with this is the lack of transparency and the timing. Initially, the Whooping Crane Recovery Team was told to find homes for all of the birds by the end of September. I believe that’s now March but it still isn’t enough time to relocate 150 whooping and sandhill cranes. Appallingly, the acting director of USGS reportedly suggested that the cranes be euthanized. Luckily, that idea was shot down.

Based on a conversation with a colleague who works with the crane program at USGS, this cut will save only $50,000 a year. In addition, they said no one is being fired but behind the scenes they are encouraging everyone to find new jobs.

This is very distressing news and will have long-lasting negative impacts on the whooping crane population. If this bothers you as much as it bothers me, please contact your Senators and Representatives voicing your concern.