Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk 20140218

BY: Public Art Saint Paul – Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk presents

Saint Paul Poet Laureate Carol Connolly curates

WHAT:Reading by Writers Series – Free and Open to the Public

WHERE:Historic University Club Saint Paul, 420 Summit Avenue

Bar is open and serves throughout the evening

WHEN: 5:00 dinner Reservations 651-222-1751. No need to be a member.

MAIN PROGRAM:7:00 P.M. Prelude by violinist Mary Scallen. flutist Jim Miller. 7:30p.m. February 18, 2014


Featured Readers:

ANNA GEORGE MEEK, poet, widely published in dozens of fine national journals, The Yale Review, and more, is also the recipient of many prestigious awards: National Endowment for the Arts; Minnesota State Arts Board, Academy of American Poetry Prize, Minnesota Book Award, and more. Her first book ACTS OF CONTORTION won the Brittingham Prize in Poetry. Her chapbook ENGRAVED won the Snowbound Chapbook Competition. Meek, a Twin Cities professor of English, sings professionally with the VOCALESSENCE ENSEMBLE SINGERS.

LESLIE ADRIENNE MILLER, poet, whose collections include Y; THE RESURRECTION TRADE; EAT QUITE EVERYTHING YOU SEE; all from Graywolf Press, as well as YESTERDAY HAD A MAN IN IT; UNGODLINESS; and STAYING UP FOR LOVE, from CMU. Leslie’s poems have appeared in a wide variety of prestigious publications including BEST AMERICAN POETRY, AMERICAN POETRY REVIEW, ANTIOCH REVIEW, HARVARD REVIEW, and many many more. Leslie holds degrees too numerous to list, and is a revered Professor of English at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul.

MARTIN KIHN is a writer, digital marketer, dog lover, balletomane and spiritual athlete. His articles have appeared in NEW YORK magazine, the NEW YORK TIMES, GQ, DETAILS, COSMOPOLITAN, and FORBES, among many others, and he was on the staff of SPY, FORBES, NEW YORK, and VIBE. His books include BAD DOG, A LOVE STORY and HOUSE OF LIES, upon which the SHOWTIME series is based, starring Don Cheadle. Marty holds the distinction of being the only living author upon whom a character is based whose actor was nominated for an Emmy. Twice.

MARY MOORE EASTER,Pushcart Prize-nominated poet is a Cave Canem Fellow and Rae Schupack Nathan Professor of Dance emerita at Carleton College. Her nationally presented work gained national notice during her 40-year Carleton tenure. Her chapbook is WALKING FROM ORIGINS, Heywood Press. Widely published in a variety of venues:POETRY, Calyx, Seattle Review, Water Stone, more, she is the recipient of many fellowships and residencies, Bush, McKnight, Ragdale, more. Her memoir, THE WAY SHE WANTS TO GET THERE, One Dancer’s Journey, is forthcoming from North Star Press in 2014.

PHYLLIS GOLDIN is a singer-songwriter, composer, writer, visual and recording artist, with several publications and CDs. She has enjoyed a number of artist residencies and performs widely.

WANDA BROWN, poet, is a recipient of several writers’ residencies, her poems appear in anthologies, including WAITING FOR THE DOUGH, WRITINGS, DRAWINGS & NON-PRIZE-WINNING RECIPES, in collaboration with Phyllis Goldin.

As GOLDINBROWN, this duo presents collaborative performances of music and spoken word.

LYNETTE REINI-GRANDELL, poet, whose first collection APPROACHING THE GATE, Holy Cow! Press, will be released in October 2014. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, appeared in IT’S ANIMAL BUT MERCIFUL; MN ARTISTS.org; POETRY MOTEL; REVOLVER; EVERGREEN CHRONICLES, more. Her poetry is part of an art installation in room 5D of the Carlton Arms Hotel in Manhattan. In Minneapolis, she performs regularly at Dusty’s Bar with the Bosso Poetry Company, a subsidiary of Bosso Enterprises, theoretically based in Big Lever, Wyoming. Lynette, with musician Kari Tauring, will perform in WALKING THE BEAR at Bryant-Lake Bowl on Sunday, March 9, 2014.

DARA SYRKIN, poet, who when asked to deliver a short bio, does just that. Dara earns a living helping writers create their best work. She believes writing is a team sport and credits her writing group comrades, and a keen partner, for keeping her on track so she can create her best work.

Readings last just about an hour. Books will be available at the books sales table; writers will autograph.